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Community Rules

Community Rules

Community Rules


Don't do any of the following or you will be banned/blacklisted.

  • Inappropriate Behavior: Don't be a dipstick.
  • Account Sharing: Refers to allowing other users to use your BWU account, an offense for both the user allowing it and the user doing it.
  • Hacking: Unauthorized access to another member's account, computer, or intellectual property.
  • Ban Evading: Trying to use BWU after being banned.
  • Scamming: Results in a permanent ban.
  • Refunds: No refunds for any reason; all sales are final.
  • Drama: No drama allowed. Respect one another or leave.

Staff members have the power and permission to ban any member at any time for any reason.

SDN Rules & Information

These are guidelines for using the SDN. Any Scripter failing to follow the guidelines will result in a ban and termination of your scripts.


  • Local Files: Scripters will NOT send files to any users, including .jar or .rar containing scripts.
  • Scripts: All scripts will be uploaded to the SDN, and only via that can they be sold or used by users.
  • Malicious Code: Adding malicious code to scripts will result in a permanent ban.
  • Limitations: Scripters are NOT allowed to program limitations into scripts (e.g., Force 1 Session).
  • Competition: Allow for competition between Scripters but be respectful in the setting of your prices.
  • Respect: Scripters will respect fellow Scripters; public flaming will affect your ability to publish scripts on the SDN.
  • Abusing Bugs: Any reason for abusing bugs will result in a permanent ban.


  • Sales: Scripters will receive 65.6% of script sale; the rest is collected for maintaining the SDN, code audits, and backend server maintenance.
  • Pricing: Scripters can set their own prices, either monthly or one-time payment, expected to stay within reason.
  • Pay-outs: Pay-outs will be done in Bitcoin when sales happen. Scripters must have a wallet ID on file.
  • GitHub: Provide a GitHub link when submitting scripts to the SDN for code audits. Removal of the GitHub link will result in a ban.
  • No Labels of Anti Ban: All scripts have a risk; do not claim your script has no risk.

This post is subject to change without warning. It is your responsibility to follow and stay up to date with the current guidelines. Staff hold the power to terminate your sales and access at any time for any reason, even if not stated above. Using this service is a privilege, not a right.

Marketplace Rules

  • Account selling is strictly prohibited.
  • Gold selling is allowed.
  • Cracked accounts are strictly prohibited.
  • Warning: All sales should be in crypto to prevent chargebacks. We are not responsible for anyone getting "scammed".

Sponsors, Affiliates Rules & Information


  • Approval: All sponsorships, affiliates require staff approval.
  • Non-Intrusiveness: Avoid excessive self-promotion or spamming.
  • Respect for Community: Sponsors, affiliates must respect server rules and members.
  • Non-Endorsement: Sponsorship ≠ endorsement by the server.
  • Conflicts of Interest: Ensure that you do not create conflicts with existing agreements or partnerships.


  • Pricing: Pricing details for sponsorships, affiliates will be discussed privately with staff members.
  • How to Get Started: If interested, reach out to a @Staff member for negotiation.
  • Confidentiality: All pricing discussions will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

We believe in establishing mutually beneficial agreements that not only benefit you but also provide value to our members. Through open communication and collaboration, we strive to create sponsorship packages that meet your expectations and effectively promote your brand to our engaged community.